Verena Kramser

Verena Kramser


Content Manager with a passion for exploring Europe's trendiest destinations & Assistant to the CEO @NeedNect Solutions

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Verena Kramser

Individualisation as a factor for success

Individualisation is playing a significant role in the transformation of the hotel industry. With the increasing availability of technology and data analytics, hotels can better understand and meet the needs and wants of their guests, who increasingly value personalised experiences.

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Verena Kramser

How to generate more turnover in a hotel

Hotels are constantly searching for ways to increase their revenue. Here you can find some valuable tips for attracting more guests, increasing revenue per room, and improving overall profitability.

Verena Kramser

Sustainable Tourism - Guideline & Tips

Sustainable tourism is a growing concern as the effects of climate change become more apparent. This article considers the definition of sustainable tourism and ecotourism, the impact on the environment, and how to travel and operate more sustainably.

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